Yesterday I got a new lens, which I've been waiting for few weeks. The timing for the lens to arrive was perfect because the trip to Slovenia is approaching. I will fly to Slovenia with Johan Greus on the 27th of april.
Here is some information of the lens:
- Canon L-series high performance macro
- 4 stop hybrid IS
- Life size image reproduction (1:1)
- UD lens element
- Water and dust resistant
- Three position distance limiter
- 9 blade circular aperture for beautiful bokeh
- Ring type USM AF motor
- Optional tripod collar
I also bought a new pair of shoes. My Simms Freestone shoes served me for two long years and now it was time to change to new ones. The new model is SIMMS BOA BOOT. They are super simple to put on and take off! We'll see how well they will last in my use.
The new custom made C.F Burkheimer is also progressing and I hope that it will be ready during this month. The model is 895-4 DAL and the color is a bit special, "lime" green, cool or what?
Now I go pack my backs for the trip to Slovenia! Adios! =)
- J. Inkinen -