
A New Photography Acquisition!

Last week I got a new lens!
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS USM telephoto zoom.

  • This lens is a lightweight, only 760g (compare f/2.8 IS = 1590g!)
  • Whith image stabilization you can use 1/15s instead 1/250s, so you can shoot in low light!

" The Canon EF 70-200 f/4 USM L IS may well be the very best tele zoom on the market today - it is certainly the best Canon zoom lens tested locally to date." - Photozone.de

"One of the best lenses which we have tested. Better than the much more expensive EF 70-200/2.8 L IS" - Cyperphoto.fi

Jonne R. Switch backside 180. Canon 5D MK II, 70-200mm, ISO 200, f/6.3, 1/1600

70-200mm, ISO 200, f/6.3, 1/640
70-200mm, ISO 200, f/6.3, 1/500

Canon 5D MK II, 70-200mm, ISO 1600, f/4.5, 1/1250s

24-70mm, ISO 200, f/2.8, 1/125
Canon 5D MK II, 70-200mm, ISO 100,  f/4, 1/800

-J. Inkinen-


Pike Fishing At The Sea


"Hauki. Jo pelkkä kalan nimi saa mielikuvituksen laukkaamaan ja nostaa mieleen unohdettuja kuvia: miten syksyn tuulen tuivertamat lehdet taipuvat kohti synkkiä kaislikkoisia lampia, joissa tukkeja muistuttavat marmorisilmäiset hirviökalat kelluvat liikkumatta heikosti värisevien eviensä varassa... ennen kuin yhtäkkinen siiman viilto hajottaa saaliskalojen parvet, jotka hajaantuvat sekasorron vallassa usvan halki. Onko mitään toista kalaa, joka kiihottaisi mielikuvitusta näin, täyttäisi sen pelolla, inholla, ihmetyksellä, kunnioituksella?"

Wakeup call at 5am and ready to go fishing!
I went fishing whit Petri and Ari and i had the honor to fish in the famous boat "Black Pearl".

Canon 5D MK II, 24-70mm, ISO 1600, f/5.0, 1/60

In the morning was a brief moment when the Pike ate.. First throw and Petri has a fish on!
Stunning 5.5kg sea Pike:

Canon 5D MK II, 24-70mm, ISO 1250, f/3.2, 1/640

Rest of the day was really quiet..and unfortunately Ari got the last Pike!

Canon 5D MK II, 24-70mm, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/400

Overall the day was very difficult to fish and unluckily flyfisher lost against the spinfisherman. 
..but hey, flyfishing is always fun..and most importantly, it is the only right way to fish ;) Aaaai?

-J. Inkinen-